2012 JINST TH 003
M.Sc. degree thesis
accepted by Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel 2012
Michael Pitt
Supervisor: Amos Breskin and Eilam Gross
Experimental research in particle physics: Detector development and data analysis
- Electron multipliers (gas)
- Gaseous detectors
- Analysis and statistical methods
- Charge transport and multiplication in gas
The thesis work refects my motivation of getting a broad
experience and expertise in experimental physics, more precisely in: Particle-,
Astropartiocle- and Detector Physics. The latter is the basis for any modern
experiments in Particle- and Astroparticle-Physics. Therefore, the work has been
divided into detector development activities towards applications at the future
International Linear Collider (ILC) as well as to data analysis related to two
front-edge topics: the search for the Higgs boson (within CERN-ATLAS detector)
and for Dark matter (within XENON100).