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12th International Conference on Position Sensitive Detectors
12 - 17 September 2021, Birmingham, UK

The 12th International Conference on Position Sensitive Detectors (PSD12) features the latest developments in position sensitive detectors from leading researchers around the world. The conference has a strong multidisciplinary bias and encourages cross-fertilisation and transfer of ideas between researchers working in many different fields. Keynote speakers will give overviews of latest developments and challenges for the future.

Conference themes will include: X-ray and Gamma Ray Detectors, Novel Ionising Radiation Detection Systems, Position Sensitive Fast Timing Detectors, Detectors for High Radiation and Extreme Environments, Advances in Pixel Detectors and Integration Technologies, Gas-based Detectors, Medical Applications of Position Sensitive Detectors, Detectors for Neutron Facilities, Detectors for FELS, Synchrotrons and Other Advanced Light Sources, Applications in Life Sciences and Biology, Applications in Astronomy, Planetary and Space Science, Applications in Security and Environmental Imaging, Applications in Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Industry, Applications in Particle Physics, Applications in Astro-particle Physics, and Applications in Condensed Matter.

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