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7th International Conference Frontiers in Diagnostic Technologies
October 21-23, 2024
INFN research center of Frascati, Italy

ICFDT (International Conference Frontiers in Diagnotics Technologies) is an interdisciplinary conference, aimed at bringing together scientists, engineers and experts from industries. Contributions are welcome from the frontiers of diagnostics in different areas of research: high energy and accelerator physics and technology, nuclear fusion plasmas, space and astrophysics research, medical applications, lasers physics and technology, etc., to discuss common interests in concepts and realization of measurement systems.

The Conference ICFDT7 is co-organized by the Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile (ENEA), the Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) and the International Center Piero Caldirola (ICPC), with financial support from the European Space Agency (ESA), the Milano-Bicocca University and CAEN (Electronics for Research Company).
Special focus of this 7th edition (ICFDT7) will be on proposals/projects/ideas for novel measurement systems with a high degree of reliability and innovation to mark significant progress in the diagnostic techniques for ‘preservation of the cultural heritage’.

The ICFDT7 is organized in 7 sessions (2 hours), two posters (poster dim. 841 x 1.189 mm (A0) vertical) sessions and a satellite meeting dedicated to diagnostics for high energy physics experiments (see Scientific Programme).

The program will include oral presentations (25'+5'), tutorials and invited talks (40'+5'). Short oral presentations of 8' + 2', aimed particularly at students, can also be proposed.
ICFDT7 encourages the ‘in person’ participation: the remote participation will be considered possible but extraordinary.


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