RREPS-23 & Meghri-23 were organized by Institute of Applied Problems of Physics NAS of Armenia. The main goal of the symposium was to bring together the scientists from around the world who work on designs of new radiation sources and their applications. The published papers cover nearly all “hot” topics of current interest on investigations of monochromatic and broadband radiation sources based on accelerators. The symposium discussed fundamental properties of all known mechanisms and their applications including Synchrotron Radiation, Transition Radiation, Diffraction Radiation, Cherenkov Radiation, Smith-Purcell Effect, Parametric X-ray and Channeling Radiation.
P. Karataev
John Adams Institute at Royal Holloway, University of London
A. Potylitsyn
National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
V. Kocharyan & A. Mkrtchyan
Institute of Applied Problems of Physics NAS of Armenia