The 6th International Conference Frontiers in Diagnostics Technologies (ICFDT6) is an interdisciplinary conference, jointly organized by INFN and ENEA Frascati laboratories, aimed at bringing together scientists, engineers and also experts from industries to discuss common interests in concepts and realization of measurement systems.
Contributions are welcome from the frontiers of diagnostics in different areas of research: high energy and accelerator physics and technology, nuclear fusion plasmas, space and astrophysics research, medical applications, lasers physics and technology. The Conference ICFDT6 is co-organized by ENEA and INFN institutes, and official sponsors are ESA (European Space Agency) , Bicocca University in Milan, and
CAEN ( Electronics for Research Company).
The event is organized in 7 sessions (2 hours) and a satellite meeting dedicated to diagnostics for high energy physics experiments. Short orals will replace posters.
Special sessions are dedicated to diagnostics of:
- the tokamak DTT ( Divertor Test Tokamak) in construction at ENEA Frascati;
- cold and industrial plasmas;
- medical systems;
- tokamak JT60SA which is coming into operation this year.
Chairs : Francesco Paolo Orsitto (ENEA), Marco Ciotti (ENEA), Vitaliano Chiarella (INFN), Luca Senni (ENEA).